Tuesday 29 September 2015

Ceramic Sanitary Ware Global Industry Analysis, Trends and Future

Development of the global economy and improved status of living has been a major contributor to the growth in demand of ceramic sanitary wares. The upsurge in real estate developments across the globe has enhanced this demand.

Additional micro factors enhancing the demand pull of ceramics is lower energy costs and labor costs, which make production easier and manageable. Changing preferences among consumers towards luxury products of higher value has also caused a significant shift in the demand curve. Luxury ceramic hygienic wares include spas, shower systems, bigger sized baths and saunas.

According to research, the Asian continent and pacific regions are global leaders in production due to lower production costs and a high number of small to medium scale manufacturers. Likewise, these regions have the greatest demand for the products followed by Europe and the Americas.

Segmentation of the market
Certain elements of manufacturing and usage have led to segmentation of the market these are classified as;
  • Manufacturing technology; here there are two important techniques and these are slip castings and those done by pressure casting. The slip casted products have greater market share as compared to pressure castings.
  • Type of products; these include under and over counter wash basins, wall mounted, semi counter, and pedestal types.
  • Closets ; Water Closets are the high and low level types as well as the closed systems
  • Bidets; the over-rim and rim type bidets.
Certain geographical regions have preference for particular designs of these products, which has resulted to this kind of segmentation.

Innovative Designs are Important Demand Drivers
The changing shifts in lifestyles especially in the United States market has led to development of casual lifestyles creating a shift from traditional shapes and colors to more customized designs. The development of platinum and gold colors for decorations in up market sectors have created a new demand that was not previously there. Similarly, pastel and citrus decorations have greatly boosted the dinnerware market segment.

Future of ceramics
There is great expectation that the market for the ceramic wares will continue to grow in leaps and bounds. The Asia- pacific region is expected to retain its dominance in the market for the next 3 years. From a production of over 325 million units in the year 2014, the production is expected to hit 445 million units by the close of the year 2016. Production reports indicate that the Asian market share could increase by up to 52% with that of Europe following at 18 % market share.

The Asian continent is also expected to maintain its dominance in production volume due to continued innovation in the regional powerhouses like India and Thailand.

Emerging Markets
The developing nations are also important emerging markets such as the construction boom in Brazil, rapid development in china and the real estate markets in some African nations. In the Americas the market is almost mature and the largest number of sales come from the renovations and redesigning.

New designs of ceramic sanitary ware brands have also emerged from the top producers to create variety and better aesthetic appeals for the user. The future of this industry is therefore great and promising as more and more innovations keep developing.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Quality Features Affecting Ceramic Sanitary Wares

Quality is an important factor that can attract and retain customers of any product. Quality ceramic sanitary wares improve the value of the house as well as offer functionality.

Functional Versus Aesthetic Appeal of Washbasins
The concept of functional and practical aesthetic appeal is rapidly gaining ground in the field of sanitary washbasins. Most homeowners want something that looks good while offering durability, anti vandalism (public facilities) and easy to clean and maintain. Other elements of functionality include resistance to breakage and added attachments such as having a soap compartment. Customization of the shapes and designs is a good approach to achieving functionality as well as the beauty of washbasins. The customer gives the manufacturer the expected color finish and the target applications for the product to be manufactured.

Recognizing Good Quality Vs Poor Quality Water Closets
Despite quality being subjective to the user, there are basic quality considerations in buying water closets and they include:
  • Savings on water usage: some systems deliver too much water which leading to wastage and therefore not sustainable. Manufacturers issue guidelines on water dispensation of closets and suitability of application.
  • Noise during flushing; too much noise during flushing can be a distraction in home, hotels and some public facilities.
  • The flash accuracy: The effectiveness of the flush water to clean out bowl must be considered to avoid manual cleaning of the toilet.
  • Low maintenance
  • Durability
Handcraft Ceramic Sanitary Wares
Apart from design, incorporation of artwork on ceramic sanitary wares has added beauty and creativity to the items resulting to more value and the aesthetic appeal. Addition of artwork on ceramic wares also enhances the decorative theme of the house and creates a shift from the ordinary look.

Getting the Urinal in Perfect Appearance
The construction of the urinal must minimize splashing and drain quickly. The color of the bowl can be designed to match with the decoration of the rest of the house. Ceramic urinals come in three main designs, which are the trough urinal; the bucket urinal and the WAW (wee against the wall). Each has their specific advantages and can be modeled to specific colors other than the usual white. Appearance may also be enhanced by installation or a regular flushing system, which keeps the color unstained.

Matching Bathroom Accessories with House Design
In interior design, matching the bathroom designs and the house design is important. The use of matching colors creates this appearance of rhythm in the house. The floor tiles in the bathroom can be matched with same color of wall tiles. Dark colored tiles look well with white colored ceramic sanitary washbasins. A rusty house design can be matched with dull colored ceramic sanitary items such as light brown to enhance the relaxing look in the bathroom.

Ceramic sanitary wares production must be guided by functionality as well as the aesthetic appeal. Functional aspects of ceramic include durability and maintenance, ease of cleaning and ability to rhyme with other installations in the premises. Achieving aesthetic appeal in ceramic sanitary wares involves developing creative designs as well as handcrafts application. Bathroom accessories must be regularly checked as they wear out easily.

This article has been written & Posted By Iliyas Shekh

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Important Ingredients of Sanitary wares that Shape the New Era of Delicacy in Sanitation

Nature of Basic Ceramic
Ceramic is a non-metallic solid material which is heated in high temperature to obtain different shapes and the same is then allowed for cooling to stay in the expected shape. They are crystalline or glass like in nature and in earlier days it was also applied in pottery.

Ceramic Type Applied in Sanitary Wear Production
Ceramic is of different types and there are specific varieties of ceramics that are exclusively applied for creating sanitarywares. White ware is a kind of large category in ceramic types and contains vitreous and glass like ingredients suitable for making sinks and toilet gadgets. It is a non-conductor of electricity and compatible for making products in tricky shapes.

Changes in Material Selection and Construction Toilet Components
Whiteware is classified into three main varieties based on its properties. The stoneware is one among them that is semi vitreous in nature where glass and solid phases form into micro structure giving it glossy finish which is also easy to maintain. Sanitaryware as well as tableware are made from this new type of material.

Stylish Wash Room Gadgets and New Era in Creativity
More and more stylish wash room gadgets are on the move today to meet the variable and higher level of consumer expectations. Starting from pedestal series to rustic series, and from designer wash basins to advanced water closets, sticker series or hand craft series, there are many numbers of toilet accessories in ceramic material.

Glossy Finish for Modern Look and Easy Maintenance
Glaze is the kind of layer that provides the glossy texture to the product. It is not used in conventional types of sanitary components as it is one of the recent technologies introduced in toilet components to provide excellent smooth texture and shining appearance for long period of time.

Materials Applied in Forming Glaze
Glaze is formed in terms of blending different but naturally available materials such as quarts sands, limestone, feld spars, cobalt pigments, and iron compounds. Apart from these ingredients, zirconium silicate and tin oxide are also used to obtain softened glaze which by heating at high temperature becomes flexible to make stylish sanitary wares.

How Ingredients improve Sanitation Level?
Glaze technique is a versatile one with which higher range of sanitation aspects like moisture resistant and easy maintenance. These components also stay effective for long term usage. In addition to that, wash room components made from glaze technology bring great value for the money you invest.

Ceramic SanitaryWare Brand Importance
Choosing the right brand is more important while we go for buying ceramic sanitary wares. Aone House, a well-known Indian company offers branded sanitary components designed by professional designers. We have unlimited varieties of washroom friendly devices suiting different tastes of consumers.

In recent days sanitary components are made from trying different techniques and by adding high capacity ingredients which help manufacturers to design innovative models of wash room products as well as support consumers in feeling the flexibility of maintaining sanity.

Written by Iliyas Shekh

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Know about High Efficiency Toilet Models

Increasing Efficiency of Sanitary Ware Usage

Toilet usage can be made with lot of differences therefore consumers can find more efficient usability. When it comes to sanitary wares, water consumption should be the main target for competent practice. These practices certainly help the consumers to foresee environment friendly habitation. Selection of flush types plays a key role in economic water usage.

In recent days manufacturers use improved and advanced ceramics that provides stain free surface and easy maintenance subsequently. These ceramics are comparatively resourceful to a great extent even when water hardness remains slightly higher. Aone House supplies variety of Italian and Iranian water closets with flexible and less water consuming with compact flush.


Flushing Features-The Most Notable Feature that Deserves Attention

Flush put away more water quantity than other sanitary components. Apart from that, there are certain important reasons that demand more attention such as;

  • Flushing frequency can be compared to understand how much of water is required for toilets when compared to water application in other household activities.
  • In conventional toilets or water closet models it was on the other way around as flush size remains larger and similarly the water consumption.
  • If a person uses flush for more than 3 times of 4 times the water amounts to more than 25% of what is required for complete kitchen related activities like cooking, cleaning utensils, etc
  • Innovative flush mechanisms like Irani or Italian-S or P trap water closet can serve the best and economic water usage.
  • These Itani or Italian model Potts with flush absorb not more than 7 liters of water which is comparatively lesser in quantity than conventional toilet models.
Save Environment through Calculated Water Consumption for Wash Rooms

You can stay green even by choosing the sanitary ware design and pattern. Aone House presents economic as well as luxurious models of ceramic sanitarywares including pedestal wash basins, wall hung water closet, etc which needs relatively lesser place for installation and brings out orderly look to the wash room atmosphere. In addition, these models are space saving and easy to maintain its sanity. Apart from that wash room components are also available in environment friendly models that saves space, water application and provides more hygienic aspects.

Advanced Models of Flush

In recent days with a notable concern towards saving environment manufacturers have come up with newer models of flush design such as the dual flush and water sense toilets and eco energy toilets familiar in countries like Europe and U.S. These models prove to save considerable water consumption, deliver better flush performance and stays among the most preferred choice of consumers.

Selecting Smart Potts

It might be somewhat tricky to make some good decision concerning the type of potty. The main condition is to choose the shape matching the space available in wash room that can be shared for installing and then comes the color choice. Color choice is available in plenty from aonehouse.com which consumers can get an idea by visiting their online sanitary ware store.


Sanitarywares, particularly water closets can be selected considered multiple conditions like environment, toilet space, color, flush mechanism, etc. There are some high efficiency toilet models available in the market that can certainly remain cost effective and environment friendly choice.

This article has been written & Posted By Iliyas Shekh

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Sanitary ware for Kids Room

Attending Sanitary Requirements for your Home

Every feature of decorating can fetch you good results if the respective components remain choosy and reliable. Sanitary components play a key role when it comes to safe, clean and convenient environment. Kids’ room always requires special attention as they do not know the impact of living hygienically.

Decorating your Kids’ Wash Room

As far as kids’ wash room is concerned, they should feel convenience within reach. Each product including wash basin, water closet, or urinal for instance have to be selected based on the quality of ceramic which stays easy for maintenance and remains flexible to use.

Sanitaryware Quality and Hygienic Aspects

Ceramic sanitary ware leads the role in quality as the ceramic material has many beneficial properties for which it has been preferred at large. It is hard, oxidation resistant, chemically strong, wear resistant and easy to clean. These aspects are considered important for making toilet gadgets. Buying ceramic components would remain the best option not only for kids but for all members in the family from the perspective of cleanliness.

Size and Model needs more attention

Compact model of water closets can be furnished with additional accessories. Floor mounting water closets would remain the best choice for children for potting. Installing them at accessible points is also an important aspect. In addition to that fixing accessories for setting paper dispensers, sanitary napkin receptacles, grab bars, etc are also to be added at precise position to create hygienic environment for kids.

More Beautification Aspects

If you wish to give beautification touch to your kids’ toilet selection of designer ceramic sanitary ware components is the best option. Aone House presents variety of sanitarywares suitable for kids, residential, commercial buildings, schools, and many more aspects. Our range of ceramic sanitary wares is made based on the different expectations and convenience of consumers.

Buy Sticker Series to create Happy Moods

Modern sanitary components including sticker series is designed with attractive colors and patterns that given them artistic look. Sticker series offered at Aone House stay a unique choice as its presence would change the appearance of wash area to something creative and modern thus reduce the feel of boredom and lethargy which we many of us still have.

Be Particular while selecting Flexible Accessories

Accessories include taps, napkin holder, soap holder, etc can also be selected based on how much convenient children can feel in using them. Tap designs can be selected matching the color and size of the sanitary ware. In addition, easier water dispenser tap models would remain suitable than other stylish models.

Pedestal Wash basins for Safe Usage

When it comes to wash basins for kids’ toilet pedestal designs would be fine. Aone House presents variety of pedestal wash basin models including rustic series wash basins, and sticker series wash basins with pedestal at good price. Kindly Visit - http://www.aonehouse.com/washbasin_pedestal.html


Selecting a suitable model of sanitary component for kids’ use form the extensive Variety of Sanitaryware Models requires many aspects to be reviewed and Aone House is the best place to find one.

This article has been written & Posted By Iliyas Shekh

Thursday 20 February 2014

Get Real Value for Your Money from High Quality Executive Sanitary Ware in Europe

The European sanitary market has continued growing over the years. The sanitary wares from Europe are valued added designed, Innovative, cost effective as well as consistent due to price competitive. Some of sanitation wares available in the European market includes: basins, shower tray, bathroom cabinet and urinal among many others.

 Bathroom Accessories

Major European Sanitary Brands and Major Manufactures

There many passionate and professionals manufactures that produces quality standards sanitary wares in Europe. These manufacturers use the latest technology in order to create excellent class sanitary wares that meet the client needs. They are some of leading producers of quality sanitary ware. Common sanitary wares includes: sinks, bathroom accessories in Europe, pipes, facets and bathtubs among others. The following are some of brands and manufacturer in the Europeans market: JT Ltd (Just Tray) shower manufactures ,Sungload, jika sanitary ware, laupen Swiss sanitary ware, Cersanit Poland sanitary ware, drops Martinidis Sa produces bathroom, tower rings etc and Franke sessions Ltd among many others.

Quality and Trendy Sanitary Ware from European Market

The Europeans market offers high quality sanitary wares with specialized and professional designed for ensuring customer satisfaction. The manufactures are authenticated with certificates that are ISO certified (CE) Europeans union. This certification is issued to manufactures that provide quality product in the market and this have maximizes the improvement of standards and eminence products in the market. The material used in making these sanitary wares is reliable and free from corrosion. Moreover they are manufactured per international standards hence provides comfort and satisfaction.

Current Market Trends and Future Prospects

The modern trend sanitary wares in Europe are geared by creativity and innovation in the market. They have unique shape, aesthetic with others features hence makes them conform to current trend in market. They are made from high quality materials such as ceramic which made them look neat and presentable for example products such as: wash basin, urinals, and water closets. The Europeans market trend is very competitive and manufacturer offers quality products that are well designed to meet the rising demand globally. The increasing population in Europe has highly increased the demand of sanitary wares with lifestyle changing day to day. They are affordable with quality value for investing and maximizing disposable returns. In future the stylish and designed sanitary wares with unique characteristic have continued to be developed to meet the increasing demand in the market. These sanitary wares are modernized with variant colors of satisfying the diverse prerequisite of clients.

How can local Investors benefit From the European Sanitary ware Market?

Local and international investors have great significant benefit from European sanitary wares that are of high value and cost advantage production. The investors benefit from ready and high demand of sanitary wares with strategic mass market. The current trend in the European market where individual are making their real estate, homes, offices to look more luxurious, stylish and comfortable. This has increased the demand of sanitary wares hence maximizing returns. The research has shown that there is increasingly demand of consumption of sanitary wares. A sanitary ware in European market provides new opportunities day to day.


The European sanitary wares market has created a high demand of quality and durable products globally. They produced by specialized and expertise in field of ceramics, bathroom, basin urinal and shower tray among many others. The range of products, services and quality has continued to increase dramatically over the years.

This article has been taken from Source - http://www.aonehouse.com/blog/get-real-value-for-your-money-from-high-quality-executive-sanitary-ware-in-europe/

The Growth of Indian Real Estate has Increased Demand of Quality Sanitary Ware

The Urge for Real Estate Development in India

India is one of the leading nations that supports with maximum professional assistance for Information Technology and hence, the living standards of many Indians have considerably improved to world class style. As a result of that Indian real estate industry has been witnessing enormous growth in India.

Innovative Aspects Introduced in Construction Industry

When it comes to construction part, people prefer to adopt modernity in living standards and hence, they focus on every minute aspect of housing décor and sanitary ware remains one among them. With the expectation of improved lifestyle, many consumers in India admire stylish washrooms for convenience and luxury.

The Demand for Stylish and World Class Quality Sanitary Ware

Though Indians are used to ceramic sanitary accessories, yet when it comes to design and usability features most of the accessories used for wash rooms were manufactured in the same old traditional design. However, in recent days with the influence of internet people love to grab what is new in market. Gradually, the demand for international designs has increased.

The Link towards Designing Wash Rooms

Stylish sanitary wash rooms accessories are designed in a variety of ways so as to give artistic look to the space. Sanitary ware companies in India also focus on adding new looks to sanitary components starting from wash basins to stylish water closets.

Reception for Modern Sanitary Wares

Sanitaryware manufacturers in India give importance to customer interests. They analyze the recent demand for sanitary designs through the requests of orders come from real estate industries in India. Real Estate professionals on the other hand choose the sanitary designs matching international standards. Hence, the reception for modern wash room components keeps on increasing.

Competitive Design Offered by Sanitary Ware Companies in India

Top sanitary ware companies in India choose competitive designs and add uniqueness in terms of additional features like painting emboss, color combination, space saving designs, etc. Similarly, manufacturers inspired by modern designs introduced in other countries adopt the same and give back to consumers adding their creativity as well.

What is the International Standards Followed by Sanitary ware manufacturers in India?

Selection of quality ceramic materials, space for adding fittings, easy installation options, color pattern are some of the international standards followed by sanitary components manufacturers in India. In addition to that, wash rooms accessories companies from outside India also show interest in supplying variety of products to Indian thus, it has become easy to buy ceramic components of world class quality in India.

Online Portals to Choose Sanitary ware Designs

Aone House is a popular Indian sanitary ware brand that serves people with high quality ceramic wash room accessories. We offer ceramic sanitary wares designed by experienced designers who in turn bring in environmental friendly concept and luxury designs to suit different expectations of the consumers.


With the rising demand for modern sanitary components in India, manufacturers contribute competitive designs of quality sanitary ware accessories. Aone House is one among the leading manufacturers that supplied modern designs of wash room ceramic products at affordable cost.

This article has been taken from Source - http://www.aonehouse.com/blog/the-growth-of-indian-real-estate-has-increased-demand-of-quality-sanitary-ware/